As search engines become more sophisticated, the basic keyword approach to SEO has evolved to include more nuanced practices. One of these is the topic of Search Intent and the role it plays in ranking your website pages and generating the right kind of search traffic.
What is Search Intent?
Search Intent relates to the intention, or mindset, of the person typing a keyword or phrase into a search engine. Essentially, it’s an attempt to ascertain which type of search result they are looking for – because not all searches are driven by the same intention, even when using the same keyword. Understanding user search intent is crucial for creating content that aligns with what searchers are truly seeking.
For example, imagine three different people searching for ‘clock’. Without the development of Search Intent, the results may be purely based on keywords. However, these three different people may all be looking for completely different results relating to ‘clock’.
One may want to know the time, so they need a free online clock or international clock, or the most accurate time. Another may be looking to buy a clock, ie their intent is commercial, and as such, they’ll want to be presented with clock products they can purchase. The last person may want to research the history of clocks, so their intent would be regarded as informational, and the right search results for them would be listings of informative sites relating to clocks.
Additional keywords may help to signal the precise intent, but even without these, there are ways to ascertain what type of search is being carried out, such as search history, cookies, online profile etc…
This is the level of sophistication that search engines have developed, and the evolution of Search Intent enables them to show more of the right listings, ie the best matches for what the user is really looking for.
Why is it Important for SEO?
Search Intent is important for SEO because it can make an important difference to the listings that are presented in the SERPs. If the search engines are aware of what people are really looking for when they type keywords into their browser, they are going to use certain determining factors to provide the best possible results.
These determining factors can make the difference between your page or site ranking for the relevant keywords, or not. This is why it’s important to know the different types of Search Intent, which one applies to your business, and how to make sure that your content matches both the user’s enquiry and intention.
What are the Different Types of Search Intent?
Within the realm of SEO, understanding ‘search intents’ is crucial, and these intents are usually split into four main categories. There are;
Informational Search Intent
This is when users are looking for information or instruction, such as How-to articles or Step-by-step Guides.
Navigational Intent
This is when users are using the search engine to help them get to somewhere else, such as looking up contact details or the link for a specific website.
Commercial Search Intent
This is when users are in the purchasing mindset and they want to know how they can buy (or research) what they need.
Transactional Intent
This is when a user wants to perform a specific transaction online. This may be a purchase, but it may also be another type of transaction, such as performing an online return or getting a quote.
How Can Understanding Search Intent Improve Your Rankings & Traffic?
When you understand Search Intent and construct your online content in line with the relevant category, you make it easier for the search engines to view your site as a good match for your potential customers. This can lead to improved rankings, increased organic traffic, and the business success that can result. This is why incorporating Search Intent principles and focusing on keyword intent into your SEO can be beneficial for your company.
For example, if you have an e-commerce business, you’d likely want to target keywords and phrases that have Commercial Intent. Ideally, you want your website to rank well for the searches people make when they are in the Ready To Buy mindset. Understanding the Commercial Search Intent keywords for your products will help you to optimise your site and pages accordingly. This level of nuanced SEO can translate into more organic traffic and more online sales.
Understanding the underlying reason for an online search is crucial. Aligning your content with the specific needs and motivations of searchers can significantly improve search result relevance.
Alternatively, you may want to nurture your audience before offering your products. In this instance, you may want to develop content that matches Informational Intent, so that you can help your potential customers with their questions and problems. This is a core piece of modern online marketing and How-to content is a great way to connect with the right people and raise awareness for your brand. This is when understanding the type of keywords that match Information Intent searches can benefit your business. Creating informative and helpful articles on your site – ones that match the questions and search queries of your target audience – is a powerful way to rank well in search engines and boost organic traffic.
Understanding Search Intent can help you to organise your content, design your customer journey, connect with the right people, provide value, increase awareness, boost traffic, and ultimately enjoy more sales and success from your online presence. This is why the right keyword research is such an important piece of any successful SEO strategy, and integrating Search Intent into your research and goals can take your results to the next level.
Another benefit of understanding Search Intent is that it helps you to get into the mind of your audience and potential customers, which is always an excellent idea when performing any kind of marketing. When you have a clear sense of what your audience is looking for and the right timing to make an offer, you are likely to see better results from your online marketing efforts.
Integrating Search Intent into your SEO efforts is like aligning with the mindset of your audience at a deeper level. And when you understand their wants, needs, and user intent, you’re in a strong position to optimise your content to provide the products and services they’re seeking. This will help you to tick the right boxes for search engines so that they’ll see how your content is the perfect match for your customers.